Blockchain technology, or blockchain technology, is a database that serves as a record of purchase transactions or other transactions. This keeps a set of distributed, decentralized, synchronized, and secure records on the information where computers and other devices operate. something similar to a public disk but in the digital domain. In these files, you can […]
Andorra offers a clear advantage to many of the young entrepreneurs and agents who want to invest in the principality. Creating a company in the country is interesting for many reasons, among which are: security, the environment, culture, and also taxation. This makes Andorra an attractive country for investment, trade and entrepreneurship activities. However, the investment of cryptocurrencies […]
With the appearance of the new Blockchain challenge, from Andorra there are many specialists who reflect on it. An encrypted blockchain technology that has multiple scopes of application. This can apply to energy, administration or finances. Today, cryptocurrencies represent an alternative to conventional currencies. These are virtual currencies that have some value, and are beyond […]